Photos courtesy of David Mc Veigh (BP media team) Report taken from the Spires social media side
My personal thought: this is not the first one this season and unfortunately will not be the last…a few years ago you had to sit behind your laptop when entries opened and one hour later the entries being filled up..lately entries are still open on the day due to low numbers, but a risk that some organisers will not take and understandably so. This will need to be addressed at the AGM’s to find out what can be done to turn this around. Many separate races such as A4 and ladies races get scrapped in programs already due to the lack of interest, and many clubs have cancelled races due to weather, road conditions or unforeseen circumstances or safety issues, but today’s sad news is different! A race who had over 150 + entries in 2018 in awfull wheater who was predicted beforehand, had this time around only 30 odd entries so far and this would cripple the club if they would go ahead as the risk is too high financially to continue. What would be the cause and why? My sincere thoughts are with Spires CC and their sponsors