The heartbreaking story who became viral…From obscurity to fame in one dramatic moment…Dario determination to finish the race is something special (Feature photo courtesy of Getty Images, Video Eurosport and provider video Hanna Walker ( Former pro cyclist & Social media & comms manager for @WNT_ROTOR | Cycling commentator)

My personal view of the incident…Several circumstances made this happen…Dario was in the front peloton when he got a flat, at the same time the Americans start putting the pace up, gap’s appeared in the cavalcade due to crashes and neutral services busy at the time servicing the crashes, on the video below you will see the comm car passing him, and notifying the neutral service who is normally behind the comm car at the front of the race but probably still busy…his team car was 21st in the cavalcade and held up badly, they where not allowed to move up as a safety matter with all the crashes and smaller country roads, team cars who passed Dario have no obligation to serve him (except if comms decided to direct some team car’s to act as neutral service till neutral service is back in place) There is also another ruling that is only applied in country’s who drive and race on the left-hand side of the road…service has to be on the left side of the road, this only for obvious safety reasons such as the mechanic has to cross the road and with the nature of the race a lot of moving traffic in the cavalcade who could put him in danger. Saying this some common sense should prevail as the lad was probably not aware of that (his federation should have warned him before the start) and such things you forget when the adrenaline starts pumping in the veins due to the mishap and you start panicking. Dario looked so desperate and yes we should feel for him as we all are human and we cry for less dramatic circumstances for sure. No one knew this lad before this week, we are knowing Dario Gomez now alright!! And still finishing in 60th place while half of the peloton got early showers. Dario is now as well known as Colombian Coffee