All photos courtesy of Toby Watson, results and report Newry Wheelers

Alan Bingham try to shake off Mark Downey

Plenty of action in the race with early moves from Kenny Bagnall and Micheal Haven before the scratch group got up. Then Mc crystal, Barry McKenna, Garreth O’ Neill, and Mark mc Kinley got in a move which was brought back by the foreign legion (Mark Downey, Matthew Taggert, and Darnell Moore) Few more small groups clipped off the front until the last entrance to Hilltown where Gareth o Neill and Drew Mc Kinley clipped off. Got a gap of approx 30 secs with Gareth O’ Neill doing big turns. Banbridge CC riders got organised and pulled the escape back. Mark mc Kinley went early on the uphill sprint but the power of the sprinters was too much with the inform John Buller taking the Eddie Crory Cup

First year junior and revelation of road racing this year Dean Harvey leading the bunch
Dean’s big bro Lee Harvey doing his bit of work
The french legion of Banbridge with Mark Downey and Matthew Teggart very active on the night

Top 10 of the Eddie Crory Memorial Cup

1. John Buller
2. Nathan Mullan
3. Matty Teggart
4. Dean Harvey
5. Karl Morgan
6. Mark Downey
7. Paul Antoine Hagen
8. Shay Donley
9. Mark Mc Kinley
10. Ronny Smith

Dromara CC’s top rider Nathan Mullan tried hard but had to bow to the best sprinter in the land John Buller
Iron Man Bryan Mc Crystal in blazing form lately, with Paul Antoine Hagan keeping close watch
Larry Mc Cabe trying to shake off Colm Watson with Kevin Lynch keeping guard

Newry Wheelers told social media “Savage racing tonight with the wind and scattered shower, many thanks to Paul Gannon & Killian Byrne and the many marshals and drivers tonight. Tonight’s wee race was helped by members of Velo club Mourne, Armagh Down, Cornerstone, Shimna Wheelers, VC Glendale, and a crew from the Tim Beatie bun run. Thanks to all. Also, the Moto bike marshals where 1st class and last but not least thanks to Michael Torley and the lads and the crew from Ambutran, great to see so many riders down to give it a lash, just the way Eddie would have liked it 😉Thanks all