All photos screenshots of the UCI broadcasting during the race

With 5 to 6 irons in the fire, the Netherlands already seemed untouchable with the espoirs women in advance. Top favourite Manon Bakker fell at the first sand passage. She would never appear at the front in the end. A flawless start was former world champion Inge van der Heijden. She quickly smeared the opposition for 10 seconds. Among the pursuers, it was mainly the Hungarian Vas who tried to get the chestnuts out of the fire. Van Empel and Van Alphen joined as guard dogs.
Slightly past halfway, the bobin of Van der Heijden runs out of tread, she made the least claim to the medals as the 4th wheel on the tricycle. Vas still felt in her element and even shot to the lead, with 3 orange shirts on her leg. But Vas kept taking a detour along the waterline to stay on her bike as long as possible. That broke her up in the final lap. Van Alphen was the only one who competed for the world title in the shadow of Van Empel. The steep bridge was ultimately too much for Van Alphen. Van Empel crowns herself as a first-year to world champion in the women under 23, the third world title for the Netherlands in Oostende!!!.