Feature photo and this one below courtesy of @CorVosPhoto, info of Primoz’s social media page

“I Crashed, dislocated my shoulder, put it back in, ripped my butt. Got back in the peloton, crashed again on the other side, gave my all, so did my teammates, couldn’t get back to the peloton🤷‍♀️ c’est la vie!” “Making mistakes is part of life and we didn’t have our best day, but of course we just keep going.” “I have to heal well now and then I will try to be ready for the Tour of the Basque Country and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. There are still a lot of challenges ahead.”
Thanks to all for the nice messages 

Photo courtesy of @jeredgruber

“Zrušil sem se, izpahnil ramo, jo vrnil nazaj, si raztrgal zadnjico. Vrnil sem se v peloton, znova strmoglavil na drugi strani, dal vse od sebe, tudi moji soigralci niso mogli nazaj do pelotona🤷‍♀️ takšno je življenje!” “Napake so del življenja in nismo imeli najboljšega dne, seveda pa kar nadaljujemo.” “Zdaj moram dobro ozdraviti, nato pa bom poskušal biti pripravljen na turnejo po Baskiji in Liège-Bastogne-Liège. Pred nami je še veliko izzivov.” Hvala vsem za lepa sporočila