60th Itzulia Basque Country (2.UWT) Stage 3: Amurri >> Ermualde (167.7km)

The finish was on a wall with gradients of up to 20 percent. We only got to see the toppers there. South Americans Higuita and Carapaz set fire to the fuse on the Basque wall but were soon outdone by the Slovenian duo Roglic-Pogacar. At exactly 2 km from the line, the two Slovenian warriors took over the helm. Pogacar was in control. In the final kilometer, Roglic took over to fire his final shot, but the Tour winner outdid him on the line. Thanks to the bonus seconds, Pogacar sneaks a little closer. In the score, he now follows 20 seconds behind leader Roglic. The two Slovenians were evenly matched on a grueling final climb, but Pogacar was a bit more cold-blooded in the descending final meters. In the stand, Pogacar approaches to within 20 seconds of leader Roglic. Eddie Dunbar very prominent in the build-up of the last monster climb, supporting his team and his climbers…top job from our lad who finished 41st about 2.30m down on Tadej te winner.

As I noticed a seizable intrest from Slovenia cycling fans towards the Belgian Project website here as courtesy the report translated for them as both of their country men are involved >>> Kot sem opazil zanemarljivo zanimanje slovenskih ljubiteljev kolesarjenja za spletno stran belgijskega projekta tukaj, vljudnost poročila, prevedenega zanje, saj sodelujeta oba moška.<<< Cilj je bil na steni z nakloni do 20 odstotkov. Tam smo si lahko ogledali samo topperje. Južnoameriška Higuita in Carapaz sta požgala varovalko na baskovskem zidu, a ju je kmalu presegel slovenski dvojec Roglic-Pogačar. Na natanko 2 km od črte sta krmilo prevzela slovenska bojevnika. Pogačar je imel nadzor. V zadnjem kilometru je Roglič prevzel svoj zadnji strel, toda zmagovalec Toura ga je presegel. Zahvaljujoč bonusnim sekundam se Pogačar prikrade malo bližje. V rezultatu zdaj sledi 20 sekundam zaostanka za voditeljem Rogličem. Slovenca sta bila v izčrpnem finalnem vzponu izenačena, Pogačar pa je bil nekoliko bolj hladnokrven v padajočih zadnjih metrih. Na tribuni se Pogačar približa v roku 20 sekund vodji Rogliču