Sunday 13 June 8.30 am: Truagh GAA– St Mellans Park, Lisseagh, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan promoted by Emyvale CC

2 routes 90km and 140km. Staggered starts due to covid regulations and limited numbers to 85 riders on each route. Online entry only. 1 day licenses only available if not previously sold out to CI license holders. For tickets Tour of Monaghan>>
The event will start and finish at Truagh GAA – St Mellans Park, Lisseagh, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan. Participants can choose from the 140km
or 90km routes
Entry is only available online and no entries will be accepted on the day so please ensure you get signed up early to avoid being disappointed.
Event HQ is St Mellans just North of Emyvale
Tuesday 15 June 6.30 PM: Mondello Park, Naas, Kildare promoted by Usher Irish Road Club

Mondello Series 2021 returns!!!!
We are delighted to announce the return of the Mondello Series for the Summer months with the first round kicking off on June 15th. Same format as 2020 with a separate A4 race followed by a Handicap A+/A1/A2/A3 race. Also, we have managed to secure one Saturday evening date on July 3rd for an Under 18 race program with two reverse handicap races.
All entries will be via event master and accessed through the Cycling Ireland calendar.
For the Tuesday races, the entries will open at 5 pm the previous Thursday (like 2020).
For the U18’s on July 3rd, the entries will open at 5 pm Wednesday 30th.
Sunday 20th June (First race starts 8.30 am) The Michael Shiels & Darach McCarthy Road Races – Round 1 National Road Series, Knockaderry (Co-Limerick) promoted by Newcastle West Wheelers

The Michael Shiels & Darach McCarthy & Co. Solicitors Road Races will take place on June 20th. This event will be Round 1 of the Cycling Ireland National League. Entries are now open. Please note that the event will be run in three waves to comply with Govt. Guidelines. Entries will also be limited and will close on June 13th, which is one week in advance of the event. The event timetable is subject to change depending on entries. But our current plan is as follows:
Ladies Senior & Junior: 8.30 start. 83km Entries limited to 50 riders.
A4. Start at 8.40 am. 62km. Entries limited to 50 riders.
A3. Start 11.00am. 83km. Entries limited to 65 riders.
Juniors. Start 11.05 am. 83km. Entries Limited to 35 riders.
A1/2. Start 1.20pm. 137km. Entries limited to 120 riders.
Wave 1 is Ladies and A4 races. (Combined Capacity of 100 riders)
Wave 2 is A3 and Junior races. (Combined Capacity of 100 riders) An additional 35 places for the A3 race on June 20th will open up this afternoon. There will be no further increase in places.
Wave 3 is A1/2 races. (Combined capacity of 120 riders)
We will work to ensure that all waves accommodate the full capacity. As an example, if we were only to receive 20 Male Junior Entries, we would increase the A3 field to 80 riders. That’s IF!
Our advice at this point is to enter early>>
After June 13th there will be no refunds.
Wave 1 and 2 will use the Ladies’ circuit from the 2020 Nationals.
Wave 3 will use the Men’s circuit.
All entrants will receive an email at least three days in advance of the event confirming their event start time and protocols surrounding parking etc.
Online team car registration will open next week.
Please visit the event website for more information:
If you have any questions please email the race organiser.