170 entries – 90 finished
Gold: Per Strand Hagenes (Nor) the 121.4km in 2u43’48”
Silver: Romain Grégoire (Fra) @19″
Bronze: Madis Mihkels (Est) @24″
4th. Martin Svrcek (Svk) @s/t
5th. Alexander Hajek (Oos) s/t
6th. Antonio Morgado (Por) s/t
7th. Manuel Oioli (Ita) s/t
8th. Vlad Van Mechelen (BEL) s/t
9th. Max Poole (GBr) s/t
10th. Luis-Joe Lührs (Dui) s/t
24th. Darren Rafferty (IRL) s/t
66th. Ronan O’Connor (IRL) @ 8min26sec
DNF Conal Scully – Dean Harvey

Darren had no more left after working hard closing gaps but hey…very promising for the future!!
Helping at the chase on the front of the 2nd group on the road

Darren got mentioned many times by the commentators on GNC and deservedly so…left on his own at the front group is already a difficult task but having the guts to help chase and playing a role in the finale is the hallmark of a future champion… It wouldn’t be right not to mention his teammates Ronan O’ Connor, Dean Harvey, and Conal Scully, they have done their part to get Darren upfront…so well done to them too!

Barry Monaghan told social media “Very proud of this young man today. Rode his heart out in the early part of the race as per the Irish plan to protect Darren” Great job, Dean Harvey!!