The Belgian Project works both ways…I get the support of Belgian families to look after my selected youngsters, and when I got a request from Siebe’s dad Chris for some practical help for his son who travel to Dublin for a 3 week “Student exchange” organised by his school, I was more than pleased to try to help…He will be a guest of a family in Beaumont North Dublin and participate in the local school’s events during the weekdays. As he is racing at the top junior level in Belgium, and close to the Belgian Champs end of June, Siebe need to train here during his free hours in the evening and hopefully a few races on the weekend…(maybe the Starsky Golden League on Wednesday evenings too) Due to me living in N-Ireland I can not help physically but can spread the message!! Siebe is looking for a training partner who maybe lives close, and a kind person or persons to bring him to the few races while here visiting…He has an international license, and permission from the Belgian federation to race in Ireland…

Get in touch with Dany Blondeel at dany@belgianproject.cc or phone me (evenings at 0044-2891 827628 ) I would appreciate your help, this is to make a young Belgian rider happy…you can follow his racing adventure once sorted on https://www.facebook.com/siebekoerst