Winning photos courtesy of Jerry Rafferty (not the singer mind you😊) all others Dany B, with results courtesy of the Banbridge CC time team, with thanks to both!

A*-A1-A2 (124km)

A special win for Matthew and his family, here seen with his partner Rebecca after his win yesterday… (photo Dany B)

A3 & Juniors/ A2-3 women (93km)

The ever-smiling Becky Woods…getting ready for the nationals Becky told us…

A4 & ladies (62km)

Ciara Havern taking another win this year!!

Under 16 (Boys and Girls) 62km

Under 14 (Boys and Girl)

Another win from Emer (Photo Dany B)

Under 12 (Boys and Girls)

Brendan Hennessy from “Old Velos” would love to have a spin with this beautiful old-timer (early 70 ties) Ex rock band guitarist Richard …something..forgot his last name, but from the Banbridge area..nice to meet up with you my friend…(Photo Dany B)