First a BIG CONGRATULATION to the “Co- Louth Singing Lion Johnny Mc Cabe” (Cuchulainn CC) winning GOLD (M65-69 cat) at the Masters CX World Champs in Hamburg, Germany!! It could not go to a better man than Johnny!! (photo courtesy of Sean Rowe)
Tuesday 5th & 12th December (rd 11 & rd 12)
Entry and all info on https://eventmaster.ie/event/j2nWHE0TBz
Sunday 10th December
Ulster Cyclo-cross Championships 2023: Date: Sunday 10 December 2023 >> Venue: Cyclo-cross NI, Portadown, Host club: Velocity Road Club!! All info and entry details on https://ulstercyclocross.com/wp/?page_id=1751 & https://eventmaster.ie/event/nEQ9tplH0v (The Belgian project will be there for commentary, tunes and photos)
The Leinster Cyclocross Championships will take place at the McCrystal Track in County Louth on Sunday 10 December 2023. Riders will compete in their age classes. There are no one-day licences for this event and it is strictly a pre-registration only event, with registrations closing on Friday 8 December 2023 at 8 pm. Entry online only >> https://eventmaster.ie/event/bo37T9AHjr
Munster CX Championships 2023 – Dungarvan CC…info and entry details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/Mk8nhbdiBz
Sunday 17th December
Ballinasloe Cycling Club told social media: “We are delighted to be hosting our Inaugural Cyclocross event on the 17th December in the Fair Green and it just so happens it is the Connacht Championships.
Entry is free for kids up to Under 10 so why not let your child come out and have a go in the fun races.
While it is The Connacht Championships we welcome riders from all 4 Provinces to take part.
The registration portal will open in the coming days and posted on Facebook etc“
Entry details to be arranged asap!!…see https://www.emyvalecyclingclub.com/events or https://www.facebook.com/emyvalecyclingclub for more details