I have decided to run the project another year, this to help out the young riders with a bursary, and to help them with their travels etc…it is not a big amount as only can give what I receive from my sponsors, and adding the money of my commentary jobs after expenses. It also give me a chance to see some of my selection pool in action who race in Ireland, the ones who race in Europe keep me informed of their results monthly, this to give me an educated choice of whom to select….Last year I was able to give 26 riders + 4 youth development clubs about £4000 (€4700) This year £1050 (€1250) already been awarded to development clubs, and hopefully I can reach a simular amount when I select in June, if my health let me off-course!!

Unfortunately I don’t have the guest parents anymore, and I had to diverse things, but most of the young riders who race or will race in Europe are in good teams who give them accommodation, and a bit of pocket money will help them when travel if selected. And some of the bursaries will go to our domestic riders, a selection program is now in place (see earlier report) We have already 14 in the selection pool, and hope a few more will join!!
Here above my new PA system kindly donated by https://victusenergy.co.uk/ to replace the old one who was loosing power after 8 years of good use. So back in business with a top of the range mobile system, and already a few dates secured, such as the Phoenix GP, The Tour of Ards, the Killinchy GP, the Ras Mumhan in Kerry-Cork at Easter (4-day race), Carn Classic & 2-day, the Newry 3-day, and the Newcastle West CC Youth 2-day in West Limerick beginning June, and talks with a few more organisers already going on!!
What do you get if hired? Proper promotion before your event to help the nrs swell, the MC job, commentary, photos, tunes and presentation of prizes at the event, and a feature after on this website, and social media, highlighting your sponsors and benefactors. We are not expensive, so open race organisers can afford us, and we bring some continental atmosphere to your race. For info of our fee (donation) can be obtained by phoning Dany on 0044-7396520670 or e-mail danyblondeel@yahoo.co.uk. The only thing I ask organisers to provide cover for the weather, as our gazebo doesn’t fit in the car anymore, in a lot of cases a lorry is used at the finishing line. We also welcome the riders at the event car park prior to the race, and give them information needed for the race. In cases of multiple racing days in your event and to far to drive home each night, we welcome some accommodation provided by the organisers if possible. After our fuel expenses etc.. we add at least 50% towards the bursary funds. We done so far over 200 events as MC, and very flexible if needed, we can discuss a deal that suit you, yours in sport, Dany B
This report is sponsored by https://victusenergy.co.uk/ and