Photo’s courtesy of Klaus Titzer @, results from the promoters Radjugendtour 2019 with thanks

Winner David Paumann (Austria)

Darren Rafferty kept an eye on leader Hajek Alexander (Aus) and made sure he didn’t lose time on the Austrian leader of the race, cleverly didn’t spend energy on competing for other classifications in the race, and arrived in second group 16 seconds from the winner David Paumann who had the strongest legs today. On the climb to the last mountain classification, he shook off his escape companions and saved thanks to combative driving eleven seconds before the German Luis-Joe Lührs and Alec Segaert from Belgium to the finish. Alexander Hajek arrived in Vorau in fifth, 16 seconds behind, and claimed his overall lead confidently. He is ahead of the penultimate stage ten seconds ahead of Belgian Alec Segaert and 14 seconds ahead of Irishman Darren Rafferty. David Paumann pushed his stage victory into the top ten (rank 9) in the overall standings. Tomorrow’s stage distance is 70.8 kilometres, it is the longest stage, but with 661 vertical meters is not the most difficult of the youth tour. Immediately after the sprint classification, Bad Waltersdorf follows the first mountain classification Höhenburg Holzplatz, followed by the sprint in Hofing. After the mountain classification at Tierpark Herberstein and the sprint ranking Anger after 59 kilometres, the final mountain classification Hohenilz / Nord will be held at KM 64. Before it goes to the destination Anger, known for its Feistritztalbahn (Famous railway line in Austria)

The Feistritztalbahn near the town of Anger (Austria)
Stage 3 result + GC
  1. PAUMANN David Austria The 66.8km in 1:51:57
  2. LÜHRS Luis-Joe Germany 1:52:08 + 0:11
  3. SEGAERT Alec Cycling Vlaanderen 1:52:08 + 0:11
  4. GROß Matteo Germany 1:52:13 + 0:16
  5. HAJEK Alexander Austria 1:52:13 + 0:16 12. RAFFERTY Darren Ireland 1:52:13 + 0:16 42 SHINE David Ireland 1:57:23 + 5:26 43.GALLAGHER Conor Ireland 1:57:26 + 5:29 47. O’ CONNOR Ronan Ireland 1:57:26 + 5:29 63. MURPHY Ben Ireland 1:59:56 + 7:59 68. GILSENAN Adam Ireland 2:00:56 + 8:59 General Classification (Top 5 and Team Ireland) 1. HAJEK Alexander Austria 3:26:34 2. SEGAERT Alec Cycling Vlaanderen 3:26:44 + 0:10 3. RAFFERTY Darren Ireland 3:26:48 + 0:14 4.VERSTAPPEN Dries Cycling Vlaanderen 3:26:50 + 0:16 5. GROß Matteo Germany 3:26:58 + 0:24 37. SHINE David Ireland 3:32:51 + 6:17 45. GALLAGHER Conor Ireland 3:34:32 + 7:58 46. O’ CONNOR Ronan Ireland 3:34:35 + 8:01 54. GILSENAN Adam Ireland 3:37:53 + 11:19 65. MURPHY Ben Ireland 3:45:34 + 19:00