All photo’s John Busher, Results CI, both with thanks
The A3 Champs

2 Treacy, Marcus Killarney CC @04″
3 McLean, Peter Ards CC @ s/t

On Saturday Peter and his girlfriend, Fiona Kelly won each their triathlon race and no rest for the wicked, they travelled early on Sunday morning to Gorey for the champs, they got involved in a freak accident near Dublin, no one seriously hurt but the car a write off…what now…no problem, Fiona got sweet-talking to the garda at the scene, and persuaded them to give them a lift to Gorey which they did and Peter had 5 minutes to spare at sign on!! Got the bronze in the race and at least something good came out the day for Peter and this to the great delight of his sweetheart Fiona
The Masters 60 Champs

2 Flynn, Jimmy Cuchulainn CC @08″
3 Shortt, John Team Smartlamp @10″

The Masters 50’s

2 McClure, Ian Dave Kane Northern CC @12″
3 Bracken, Colm Murphy Survey Killcullen @ s/t

The Masters 40’s

2 McCullough, Gareth Armagh Down CC @ s/t
3 Kelly, Robin Waterford RC

More photo’s of his dad John on this link below