Photos CI website or otherwise indicated, feature selfie of Shannon, with thanks

Shannon McCurley and Lydia Boylan picked up 9 points during the 30-kilometer Women’s Madison to finish 8th overall. The race was won by Australia who collected an impressive 56 points across 12 sprints.

In the Men’s Madison Mark Downey and Felix English finish 10th after a fast and furious 50-kilometre race which saw them average close to 57 kph. Downey and English picked up points in the first two sprints but failed to score again until the 12th of 20 intermediate sprints. Ireland’s Men’s Madison team has had an impressive run of results recently which has seen them close the gap to nations inside the Olympic qualification zone with one World Cup and the Track World Championships remaining before qualification closes. All result here:

Robyn told social media after her sprint session “Today I rode new personal best in the Flying 200m TT only by a smidge, but a PB is a PB! And a great push from my husband,  I was happy until I realised how close I was to 10.9 !! 11.032seconds! progress 📸 @morecadencejp

Shannon Mc Curley had to abandon the Omnium event after a horrible crash who took riders out like pinballs…badly cuts on her legs but nothing was broken we heard. We wish Shannon a speedy recovery (Photo from the BP Media photographer David Mc Veigh in the Dublin GP 2018)