TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, dear friends in sport, I invite juniors (M-F) and Under 23’s (M-F) who have ambition, dedication and drive to succeed to enter the Belgian Project bursary selection pool for this year (2020). Do you have a full UCI racing licence with an Irish code? and will you compete in races next year here or abroad as a road racer, an off-road racer or track rider? I am interested to hear from you!! The last 2 years I have been able to support the final selections with bursaries amounting from £180 to £300 and totalling £5900 in that period. The funding comes through sponsors, advertisers on this web site, and donations of clubs. My aim is to increase the amount of the bursary fund and select 10 riders + 4 riders as graduates to have a month racing in Belgium (a mandatory 4 weeks free in the summer for the lucky chosen) Still interested? OK… send your CV and a favourite photo (no sunglasses please) But remember…applying is the first step, but make sure you are eligible and have an open race licence with Irish UCI code (doesn’t matter if you live and race abroad so long you have amateur status) + U23 or Junior status in 2020. E-mail entries only will be accepted, sent to ” dany@belgianproject.cc” and the deadline is the 29th February (you can add your licence details of 2020 on a later date if needed) Please explain your plans for the year, your goals, hobbies and your studies. Also details and phone number of next of kin, your own contact number and your postal address. For the ones who have been in the selection pool in the years before, you can re-enter so long you are eligible (maximum 3 times allowed) You all start with a clean slate so to speak, bursaries and graduate selection mid-June.