Sat 15th February: The MAYO 200 at the Cathedral Ballina: 8 am promoted by Audax Ireland

Route Description:
Starting in Ballina at the Cathedral this is a very flat 200 on roads that are quiet but almost all have a white line down the middle so quality is good. Controls in Ballymote, Williamstown, Knock and an info control at Manulla School. There are plenty of options for refuelling. Map: The 2020 Mayo 200. The entries are closed but for more info contact organiser Seamus O’Dowd on or Phone: 087- 2439115
Sunday 16th February: The Lakeland Reliability Tour, Bawnacre Centre, Irvinestown, Fermanagh 9 am promoted by Lakeland CC

Leaving from Bawnacre Irvinestown, sign on 9:00 am – 10:00 am
2 routes available: 56 miles including Glenashaever climb or 52 mile avoiding Glenashaever climb for leisure group
Entry £10 CI members & Entry £15 Non-CI members >>Route for both groups
Leisure & Reliability groups leave Bawnacre out to Lisnarick, turn right and down through Kesh towards Belleek stopping 3 miles short of Belleek for a break ( just over the 20-mile mark.) Leisure group go across Bridge at Rosscor and turn left down lough shore rd. Reliability group cross bridge and turn right towards the burnt-out filling station, up past windmills (nice new tar) and descend to lough Shore rd @ Blaney. All info:
Sunday 16th February: The Brendan Heneghan Memorial Cycle, Jacks Old Cottage, Islandeady, Castlebar, Mayo 9.30 am promoted by Islandeady CC

We are excited to announce our very first Sportive. We have 2 lovely routes to choose from which should cater for everyone (45km & 80km). Save the date folks Sunday 16th February @ Jack’s Old Cottage Islandeady. All info
Sun16th February: The Kilmacow Annual Sportive, Community Hall, Kilmacow, Kilkenny and promoted by Deenside Wheelers 9 am

Contact: Mary Roche, Deenside Wheelers CC for more info
Email: Phone: 087382951
Sunday 16th February: The Donal Crowley Memorial Sportive, GAA Stadium Blarney 10.30 am and promoted by Blarney CC

Sign on: Blarney GAA club from 9.00 am
Start Time: 10:30 am sharp outside Blarney GAA club. A hot meal for all entrants in the Castle Hotel afterwards. 100km (intermediate/Advanced level) Cycle: €25 CI member / €30 non-CI member 40km (beginner level) Cycle: €15 CI member / €20 non-CI member 40km (U16): €5 Online Registration now open.
To register online go to; http://www.blarneycyclingcc