This time 5 years ago we at the project been busy with preparations for the coming Ras Donegal beginning June, we made sure that the chosen selection had everything they needed and give them a wee taste what it would be like if they would become pros. We had top mechanics, fully kitted team car, basecamp at the Atlantic sea, cooks, and soigneurs, fully clothed race and social wise. This thanks to the many sponsors we had to make this possible…For me it was monitoring more how they behave away from home in a team as many of my graduates have been chosen after such test and been successful when racing a month later in Belgium…we treated them as pro’s and taught them a bit about teamwork and tactics, how to act with the media and all other etiquettes involved…results for us not the most important thing, but as many of you know…we competed with the best and for lads who never raced together as a team, some never done a stage race…we done well!! Very fond memories and so sorry this tour is not running anymore. Here one of our video’s we published 5 years ago, made by our in house cameraman David Mc Veigh…enjoy the music and the scenery too…