Gerry Beggs, a stalwart of Banbridge CC and part of the Para-cycling team of Ireland, nearly 60 years of cycling competitive and leisure wise…900.000 km done (that’s about 18 times the circle of the world!) Tandem pilot, mechanic, volunteer, soigneur and mankini model (see interview) A man who tells it as it is, a dear friend for many of us and his wit and humour very well known in the Irish and Ulster cycling fraternity…the interview is about 11 minutes, but if you have the time..please watch it to the end…I never had so much fun doing an interview, perfect surroundings, a fire burning, and a glass of the black stuff and talking to a man who oozes passion for the sport. It was filmed just after the Travers Engineers GP in Annaclone at the start of the road season in 2017 in the Hawthorn Inn (unfortunately now for sale)

https://banbridgecc.squarespace.com a supporter of the Belgian Project