The Cycling Ireland Roadmap has been updated to reflect the latest easing of restrictions by the Irish government

The moving into phase two of their roadmap means cyclists in Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan can cycle within their county or within 20 kilometers of their home. The number of people you can cycle with while social distancing is being safely maintained has also been increased to 15 for these counties. There is no distance restriction for people in the rest of the province while the number of people you can cycle with while social distance is being safely maintained is six. To ensure a planned activity can meet the guidelines, Cycling Ulster advise due consideration is given to social distancing (min 2 meters) being able to be maintained within a group of the numbers stated above and for the safety of all on the planned route when social distancing and the space between the participants is taking into account if it is a road cycle.

Cycling Ireland has also issued a BMX Track Cycling Protocol and a Track Cycling Protocol. Links to these can be seen below. Covid-19 is a highly contagious and debilitating virus and in some cases a fatal one. According to the WHO the virus may be transmitted by droplets or by airborne transmission. All cyclists need to assume personal responsibility for their own health and safety and always consider the health and well-being of their family, friends, and society generally. Your reading and interpretation of, and behaviour consequent to, these guidelines should always be carefully informed by these considerations. Cycling Ulster is continuing to engage with Cycling Ireland on any updates to the Roadmap which will be guided by developments from governments in both jurisdictions.

Any breaking of these regulations reflects badly on the members, clubs, and wider cycling community and could also impact on society’s attempt to combat the spread of Covid-19 and lead to restrictions being in place for longer. We wish to acknowledge and thank the many clubs and members who have been adhering to the restrictions placed upon us during these difficult months and look forward to the phases ahead when we can once again enjoy the competitive and social aspects our sport affords us all.