No entry money, no cash prizes…Only flowers and cases of beer, after all this is Belgium

TV stations recording the event in full!

A bit of information about the start-up by Martine Verfaillie: “There were only officials at the start with a mask, no public or carers were allowed near the riders, the finish line was one-way, you could enter on one side of the barriers, to return you had to go along the other side. The riders had to go to their cars immediately after finishing, they were not allowed to hang out with the public. There were no flower girls, riders had to take their flowers themselves, which has been placed on a table. Given the relaxation of the government, it was not necessary to place seats at the finish, there was a lot of people on the course, but not to badly crowded at the finish

Different look of the jury (commissaires)

“The first race was won by De Vos Seppe (Van Moer Logistic), this was for the first year U17 class (Nieuwelingen) and had 81 entries. The 2nd year race was won by Dockx Aaron and had 86 entries. The first and 2nd-year U17’s normally racing together, but because we have many new racers in Belgium, they have split them, because there is a starting limit and that way everyone had the opportunity to register, thanks to the organization, because that way there were 3 races on 1 afternoon, with plenty of time in between races to avoid crowds” said Martine

Aaron Dockx auntie get the Flowers and a case of beer for dad (I
2 year podium with winner Aaron Dockx and first girl Lani Wittevrongel from Bike Advice
First year winner Seppe Devos (Van Moer Logistics) and first girl Malaika Feys (Canguru Team)
Junior race winner Jelle Declerck (Gaverzicht) and family…Jelle finished the 84 km race with an average of 41.8 km /hour
Social distance inside a must
Big fields in each race