Cycling Ireland welcomes the revised Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business, with most activity now being moved to Phase 3, beginning on Monday, June 29th. The acceleration of the Roadmap has been made possible thanks to the progress made by the Irish people in suppressing the virus and keeping transmission levels low.
The announcement has allowed for an accelerated return of club activities and events however we must proceed with caution and an acute awareness of our own personal responsibility. Sport Ireland has launched a Covid19 eLearning Course which all event organisers, club officials, and members are asked to complete prior to engaging in group cycling activities.
Club training and racing can now return from June 29th once strict protocols are adhered to. Guidelines developed by Cycling Ireland in conjunction with the Sports Expert Group and UCI are available to clubs wishing to organise group training rides and club competitions during Phase 3. A Cycling Ireland booking system has been developed to assist clubs with meeting the government’s contact tracing requirements.
Open events will return from July 17th to allow sufficient time for event organisers to implement the necessary protocols and provide athletes with adequate time to prepare for competition. A revised calendar will be made available next week with online registration through the Cycling Ireland events system a requirement for contact tracing purposes. Guidance for event organisers can be viewed below and our events team is available to assist you through this process.
While group training activities and events are returning, Covid-19 remains a highly contagious and debilitating virus, and in some cases a fatal one. Members, clubs, and event organisers should consider their own circumstances and assume personal responsibility when deciding to partake in group activities. More info: http://www.cyclingireland.ie/cycling-news-item/cycling-ireland-roadmap-phase-3/28523

In publishing the next phase of the Roadmap to Return, Cycling Ireland Chief Executive Matt McKerrow said: “We’re pleased to see a schedule for the return of club activities and events. We’d like to say a resounding thank-you to the cycling community members, volunteers, clubs and sponsors – thanks for your engagement with our online activities, thanks for your patience and adherence with the guidelines to date, and thank you to those who’ve contributed and will contribute to the combined effort required ahead as club activities and events resume.”

USE OF MASKS/MOUTH NOSE FACE COVERING AND RUBBER/DISPOSABLE GLOVES • Cycling Ireland strongly recommends the use of masks/mouth-nose face covering and rubber/disposable gloves by volunteers, officials, and other accredited clients that are in contact with athletes (e.g. start area, post-finish area). • Athletes are advised to wear masks/mouth-nose face covering and rubber/disposable gloves during any non-competition activity. (Please be reminded when wearing rubber/disposable gloves and masks/mouth-nose face covering you still need to disinfect.) • The LOC is only responsible for providing masks/mouth-nose face covering and rubber/ disposable gloves to its volunteers and staff along with a contingency amount for medical needs. All other accredited clients must bring their own equipment

SPECTATORS FLOWS The close proximity of people cheering on riders, which is normally a sign of a successful and exciting event, may now not be permitted under COVID-19 restrictions. The initial stages of the return to events in a COVID-19 environment will be discouraged. Once spectators are allowed to return in minimal numbers the following should be considered: • Provide safe sanitation and facilities for the crowds. • Social distancing should be respected in all the areas where spectators are located LINK. In this regard, the LOC is recommended to create a venue layout where an event can be viewed from multiple locations. • All the flows within the venue must be one-directional. Spectators are advised not to stop in narrow sections of the corridors. In headquarters where this is not possible, a minimum number of people into the building needs to be determined and managed by the LOC • Put up signage providing guidance on LINK o Physical Distancing Guidelines o COVID-19 Symptoms o Physical Distancing Markings o Venue Specific Movements o Hygiene Guidelines o Medical Locations MEDIA SERVICES • Accredited media representatives must be limited, taking into account social distancing and the available space.

Self-Assessment Personal Screening Questionnaire This is a self-assessment form for your personal use. If you answer YES to any of the questions below you should stay at home and DO NOT ATTEND ANY CYCLING ACTIVITIES and inform your medical practitioner if you have not already done so. 1. Are you currently diagnosed with or believe you may have COVID-19? YES, NO 2. Have you had any of these symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days LINK? YES, NO → High temperature (fever)? YES NO → A new continuous cough? YES, NO → New unexplained shortness of breath? YES, NO → Sneezing or runny nose? YES NO → A sore throat? YES, NO → Loss of smell? YES, NO 3. Have you been in contact with a COVID-19 confirmed or suspect case in the previous 14 days? YES, NO 4. Have you provided direct care for COVID-19 patients in the past 14 days? YES, NO 5. Have you visited or stayed in a closed environment with anyone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days? YES, NO 6. Have you traveled together with COVID-19 patients in any kind of conveyance in the past 14 days? YES, NO 7. Have you arrived in Ireland from another country in the last 14 days – this includes Irish citizens traveling home? YES, NO