As an honorary life member of Ards CC which I am very proud of, I always pleased when some members of my club doing something special and taking on daring challenges…WELL, this lad from Belfast certainly ticked the box in that respect!! Peter became a member last season of Ards CC and became a very valuable open rider for us. He comes from a Triathlon background but decided to concentrate on his cycling. Last year he progressed from A4 to A2 in a whirlwind fashion and this year started very positively, as he leads the National CI A2 ranking after the only weekend racing this year so far. Peter and his sweetheart Fiona (Wicklow Velo) are about the fittest couple I know, they love competing, and support each other in their individual disciplines of our beloved cycling. Fiona is a well know Tri-athlete who also tackles road racing as part of her training and accompanies Peter as much she can..Fiona lives normally in Wicklow, but with the lockdown decided to live with Peter in Belfast for the duration. With the relaxing rules in the south, they decided to visit her parents last weekend after 13 weeks of separation, and doing something very challenging…a mad challenge indeed…The Everesting Challenge works as follows…You have to pick one climb and ride up and down only that one climb until you accumulate enough elevation that you would have reached the top of Everest! This was done on the Shay Elliot climb coming from Glenmanure, turning at the top, going down again and up again…Peter needed 36 times to reach that elevation, covered 209km in terrible weather conditions, and after just short of 11 hours finished his painful but rewarding challenge. The latest info tells us that this is an unofficial record in Ireland but needs to be confirmed. Fiona standing for all that time at the top of the climb, this to pass him food and water and giving him some encouragement which he needed, as the high winds and rain tell you to stop, but stop a word that is not in his vocabulary knowing Peter. Fiona’s current club Wicklow Velo came along for a while to accompany Peter at one of the 36 climbs as a way of support, but for the rest of the long day it must have been lonely for her, with only sheep as spectators. So well done you both, and well Peter…doing 36 times a climb that is notorious in Ireland, even the Ras used it as a Cat 1 climb, and home of the Shay Elliot Classic is no nothing and a very special achievement of “one of our own” in Ards Cycling Club… We are so proud of you and your Fiona

Why not join Peter and Ards CC if you live locally, info on www.ardscc.co.uk