The report, results, and photos from co-organisers John Hammer and Lorna Reilly of the CI Women’s Commission…a big thank you for all the info received over the series
The Elite women A-Race

John Hammer reports: The A-race saw a larger field than usual which is encouraging for Women’s Racing to make it a bit more interesting I divided the field into two groups the first group went off with a minute fifteen-second advantage over the second group. The first group was mostly made up of recently promoted A riders. This race was run in a clockwise direction as had the two earlier races which are contrary to the norm. With the first group averaging 2-minute laps and the scratch group doing similar for the early laps the gap remained steady but as confidence grew in the chasing group we were treated to some fantastic racing Nikki Taggart ( ACT ) who is the Queen Of Corkagh Park showed her amazing burst of speed jumping across to the leading group. Kate Earlie ( St Tiernans CC ) followed suit and dug very deep to bridge the gap. With 3 Laps remaining Cleo Harvey (DWCC) threw down the gauntlet and went on a solo attack she held on to the lead until the last lap when she was collared nearing the final 200 meters, Harvey had won the Sprint earlier in the contest. The race was won in fine style by Nikki Taggart clear by 5 lengths from a trio of women Jennifer Bates (U/A) Clair Ni Reachtagain ( Sundrive Track Team ) and Orla Walsh (UCD) There were very encouraging performances from several women in this contest and I expect to see podium places in the future from many of them not just in Corkagh Park.

2nd. Jennifer Bates – Un-Attached Leinster
3rd. Claire Ni Reachtagain – Sundrive Cycling Club
Prime: Cleo Harvey -Dublin Wheeler
The B-Race

The B race followed and we saw the return of Grainne O’Callaghan (Quanta Scott Orwell) who has not raced for over 18 months but proved that she had lost nothing in her absence dead heating in the intermediate Sprint with her club mate Aoife Parker Hedderman who impressed on her debut in Corkagh Pk two weeks ago, Amy Kinsella finished in the third spot in the Sprint. The race progressed and the scratch group of 4 joined the leaders the sprint for victory was a close-fought battle by Grainne O’Callaghan and Aoife Reilly ( Belpark Tri ) with Reilly gaining the upper hand nearing the line winning by a narrow margin.

2nd. Grainne O Callaghan- Quanta Scott Orwell Wheelers
3rd. Aoife Parker-Hedderman Quants Scott Orwell Wheelers
Primes: Grainne O Callaghan- Quanta Scott Orwell Wheelers & Aoife Parker-Hedderman – Quanta Scott Orwell Wheelers
Girl Youth Race

In the opener, The Youth Race we were treated to some really exciting racing the first group off was down to four racers who worked well together and held off the scratch group until nearing the end of the race. I predict that there will be several future winners from this field. Podium: 1st. Emma Smyth Navan Road Club, 2nd. Katie Reilly Quanta Scott Orwell Wheelers and 3rd. Zoe Shakespeare Navan Road Club

A word of thanks from John Hammer “To all the Youth and Women Racers of the Corkagh Pk Women’s Racing Summer Series I wish to thank you all for an evening of top quality Racing, I look forward to seeing you all next season from time to time in Corkagh Park and perhaps many of you during the CX season I will say cheerio for now but before I go, Be the Best you can be every day these words I heard from a very wise Woman Cyclist. I would like to thank Mr. Michael Smyth MDS-Sports – Biemme & BORN for his continued support in Sponsoring the many prizes awarded to the Racers at Corkagh Park this season “ Yours as always in Cycling Sport, John Hammer