Message from Island Wheelers…Our A1/2/3 (including Juniors) handicapped race has now sold out and we have a number of names on a waiting list. If you are entered into our A-Race and are unable to make it for any reason, please let us know and we can pass your entry on to someone on the waiting list. As you can appreciate, races are limited so let’s try & make sure there are no empty slots. Our A4, Ladies Race still has over 30 spaces remaining, however, these are filling steadily. Enter soon to avoid disappointment.
RACE 1 – EDDIE POLIN CUP A4 Men/A4-A3 Women @9.00am Race distance is 4 laps – total 26.4 miles. https://eventmaster.ie/event/0pVbFzqsA1
RACE 2 – P.J LOGAN CUP A1/A2/A3 @11.30am Race distance is 9 laps – total 59.4 miles.
Handicap is subject to change depending on Entrants and will be communicated prior to the event.