Report translated from the French website Direct Velo (FR), photos from Martine Verfaillie or otherwise indicated

(Foreword Dany) “Dillon Corkery will race in 2022 within CC Étupes. The French team is one of the top amateur teams and competes in French Division 1. Dillon has a kind character, very polite and thankful to people who try to help, I can vouch for that, knowing him personally…Always time for a chat, very polite, and a willingness to learn. Dillon is a credit to his parents, and to Irish Cycling, and with such a new opportunity I am sure he will grab this with both hands so to speak, as he can produce good results at a high level when asked, good luck my friend and I bet your ex-adopted mum Martine Verfaillie from Belgium, will be delighted with your progress” yours in sport, Dany B

DirectVelo told social media: “The Irishman had spent a season and a half at Team Élite Restauration-Louault 89, before joining the Continentale EvoPro last August. At CC Étupes, he will meet again with Melvin Rullière.”We talked a lot with Dillon about his future, Continental or not in 2022, tells DirectVelo his sporting director. After reflection, CC Étupes is perhaps the best option for his future. . This year, he has shown great things which prove his full potential. We are not in the front edge of the Tour de l’Avenir without having qualities (on the fourth stage, Editor’s note). We are currently working to resolve his cramping problem. At the last U21 World Championship, he still loses a lot of time because of this problem! I have great confidence in him and I want to fight so that we can achieve his true level. When he is ready, it will be a winning machine and everyone will want him because, in addition to being solid, he is a good kid. “The 22-year-old rider finished 3rd in the Bar-sur-Aube Nocturne this year, 4th in the Prix des 3 Communes, 5th in the Mâcon Semi-Nocturne, and in the Irish Time Trial Championships, 8th stage in the Tour de Côte d’Or and the Grand Prix de Pouillenay. On the Tour de l’Avenir, Dillon finished 13th, 15th, and 20th on stages“