In the last few weeks I have put up some favourite photos of my friend photographers which also included what I would call the *Dream Time Team* We had Alicja Cernak and Gordon favs, Ian Barfoot’s yesterday, and this would not be complete without Seamus Shortall partake…I met Seamus many years ago when I was still a commissaire at the races, and many times after, mostly at stage races which we both worked at in different capacities for myself, and Seamus as chief co-ordinator within the time and result team. I have been very grateful for his help when making reports of the stage races, Seamus provides me with the results each time within a few hours of the finish of the race which is so helpful to get the right info on my website the same evening. Seamus is a member of the famous Dublin Wheelers CC and loves to explore the countryside with his bike. Also a well-travelled man due to high demand in International Races (including UCI Pro stage races) as a result provider. But let Seamus introduce himself a bit ” My Cycling DNA comes from my father, I included a photo of him winning the county Dublin Road Championships in 1949. I am a club rider at Dublin Wheelers. Since 1984 I have been developing stage race results software. Worked the results at national and UCI-listed events in Ireland, Philippines, Malaysia and the UK. I am privileged to be part of the ‘A’ Photo-Finish and Results Team NI. Also completed Marmotte Alpes GranFondo 2019 in a ‘Silver’ time. Only 5 bikes, but my car is worth less than my cheapest bike” Thanks so much Seamus for your input, it will be well received by our followers, till we meet again when all these awful times of Covis 19 is over…stay safe

Seamus dedicate this photoreport to his friends of the *A* Photo-Finish and Results Team NI (Photo BP Media Team)