Foreword Dany: I met Patsy for the first time in 2010 when I was a commissaire of a race up North, he wanted to have a feel how a race develops, and how it is in a cavalcade, this to help him with organising the RR National Champs the year after (2011) in Monaghan with his previous club Emyvale CC. On that day of the champs I had another role as team car driver for my ex-graduate and pro Peter Hawkins (Decock-Sportivo BEL) Since then we are good friends, and his son Paul (a well known international rider as junior and espoir) became a sponsor in later years of the project with his energy products (see photo above) Patsy ask me earlier this year if I could do the MC job for the weekend, and play some tunes to entertain the guests…I only could do the Saturday as a prior engagement for the Sunday (The Castle CX of Brefnni Wheelers) As the event is also a fundraiser for charity, I waved my fee/donation, as Patsy organised a B&B, so I didn’t have to travel home as the CX is next door in Cavan…so it works out fine….I even have a few more jersey’s to add to his collection…all info of the fundraiser below…hope to see a few of you, and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend next week in Monaghan and Cavan, even will bring my wife and granddaughter as roadies…lol

Hi, my name is Patsy Brady and I am celebrating a significant birthday this Month. Instead of having a birthday bash, I have decided to help with some fundraising for Monaghan Additional Needs Group. The group provides support to children with additional needs such as those with Autism, Down Syndrome and Wheelchair users. Members from all over Monaghan gather on a regular basis to attend various therapy sessions. These groups are vital to children with additional needs and their families. I would ask you all to click on the link and donate every little helps. Many thanks for the support. https://www.gofundme.com/f/monaghan-additional-needs-group
For the best part of the last 50 years or more,Patsy Brady ( retired Emyvale CC ) has been a passionate follower of all things cycling, and he has a fantastic amount of memorabilia collected over the years, and as he reaches a special birthday, he is putting on public display for the first ever time his vast collection of Cycling Jersey’s, over the October bank holiday weekend Saturday and Sunday 11am-5pm daily, in the Scotstown GAA Club Sports Complex, with donations welcomed to the North Monaghan Special Needs Group.( with light refreshments served)
Many of the big cycling countries, across Europe have private collectors of Jersey’s, that are mainly linked to their own country’s riders, and they have a great following on their Facebook pages. We hope that we can replicate this beautiful idea, linked to the Irish cycling hero’s, particularly during the past 50 years. We look forward to seeing many of you, with a passion and pride for what our fellow countrymen and women have achieved over the years, and brought us all so many great memories
Behind each of the Jersey’s is a great history of the sport from over the years. Looking forward to seeing you all over the weekend.