All info and entry details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/6m9YFEpT5G

Register here: https://eventmaster.ie/event/R4n4iL5h76
All info and entry details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/zoLrCPYSQJ
All info and entry details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/q3DlhP7SQq
All info and entry details: https://eventmaster.ie/event/4jW9u4rFEe
Challenge CC will host the 2023 Connacht Road Race Championships on Sunday 27th August…all details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/Mkp5TbdiBz
Register for the Sunday cycle scan the QR code on the attached image
Donations can be made on the QR code or by clicking the below link for just giving page:
Entry Link Here: https://eventmaster.ie/event/nEDJHplH0v
After the postponement of the Irish National Youth Cycling Championships due to severe weather conditions, Cycling Ulster together with Cycling Leinster and Cycling Ireland have been working hard to come up with a new date for the event. Due to a number of date clashes it has been agreed that Cycling Ulster in conjunction with Cycling Leinster, Strabane Lifford CC and Foyle CC will now host the Irish National Youth Cycling Championships on Saturday the 2nd of September 2023. On the day, the Irish National Youth Championships will be run alongside Cycling Ulster Youth Championships.
Anyone that has already entered the National Youth Championships will have their entry transferred to the new date and anyone who has entered the Cycling Ulster Youth Championships will have their entry refunded. Entry will reopen for the National Championships and close seven days prior to the race.
All participating clubs will be expected to provide marshals for this event.
A new race manual will be produced along with updated course information.
It will be run on the Killea circuit just outside Derry which was stage 4 of the Ulster International 3-day Youth Tour. On behalf of Cycling Ulster, Cycling Leinster, Cycling Ireland, Strabane Lifford CC and Foyle CC we would like to thank everybody for their support and understanding and most importantly we will now have the opportunity to run both the Irish National Youth Cycling Championships and the Ulster Youth Cycling Championships which is a win /win for our youth. Entry details will be added asap!!
All info on https://www.emyvalecyclingclub.com/post/info-for-emyvale-grand-prix-2023-1 and entry details on: https://eventmaster.ie/event/A1DwFjlIlv
Thomas White Memorial, incl ParaCyling National Series, this event is on Sunday the 3rd of September 2023….entry details on https://eventmaster.ie/event/DmnlSmAcJr
Entry now open >> https://eventmaster.ie/event/VmMqSERTwv
Entries Open and already filling up
It’s that time of year again!! ????The Armagh City Cyclists Road Race. A very popular Annual Event. 2 Categories 2 Races.
Sign up open on eventmaster:
One For the Road!!!!!
All details on https://www.facebook.com/events/299080242663504/?ref=newsfeed