Feature photo courtesy of Jerry Rafferty (Fotozone Armagh), photos in report Andrew Hedley Coaching, results from the host Roe Valley, with thanks to you all!

Overall time results
1st. Gareth O’Neill Team PB Performance SENIOR 9:10
2nd. Stuart Millar Ards CC SENIOR 9:26
3rd. Stuart McCaughey Phoenix CC M40 9:33 (First M40)
4th. Nathan Mullan Velo Cafe Magasin SENIOR 10:06
5th. Sean O’hara Roe Valley CC SENIOR 10:23
6th. Kieran McKenna Ards CC M50 10:43 (1st M50)
7th. Thomas Warke Carn Wheelers SENIOR 10:45
8th. Neil McKenna AHC Racing M50 10:50
9th. Nigel Watt Inspired Cycling M50 10:51
10th. Marc Allen AHC Racing SENIOR 10:57
11th. John Madden Inspired Cycling M50 11:04
12th. JimJo McCullagh Carn Wheelers M50 11:37
13th. Christopher Henderson Roe Valley CC SENIOR 11:43
14th. Hugh Bonner Un-Attached SENIOR 11:57
15th. Steven McAllister Un-Attached M40 12:18
16th. Brian Hannon Banbridge CC M60 12:44 (First M60)
17th. Seamus Keenan Omagh Wheelers CC M60 12:54
18th. Philip McGavock Roe Valley CC M40 12:55
19th. Nigel Foster Lakeland CC M50 12:58
20th. Shane McNeill Inspired Cycling M50 13:00
21th. Kenneth Boylan Lakeland CC M60 13:07
22th. Colin McGready Dromara CC M60 13:38
23th. Eamonn O’Boyle Bann Valley CC M50 17:00
24th. Nigel McCullough Banbridge CC M50 21:10
The Ulster Medals table
Senior men
1th Gareth O’Neill PB Performance
2nd Stuart Millar Ards CC
3rd Nathan Mullan Velo Cafe Magasin (4th overall and missing here above)
Men 40 mens
1st Stuart Mccaughey Phoenix CC
2nd Steven McAllister U/A
3rd Philip McCavock Roe Valley CC
M50 Men
1st Kieran McKenna Ards CC
2nd Neil McKenna AHC racing
3rd Nigel Watt Inspired cycling
M60 Men
1st Brian Hannon Banbridge CC
2nd Seamus Keenan Omagh Wheelers
3rd kenny Boylan Lakeland CC
More photos of Andrew can be found on https://www.facebook.com/ahedleycoaching