Photo’s courtesy of Klaus Titzer (

Radjugendtour Oststeiermark Stage 4 results (24th August)
1. MASLOVS Martins Latvia 1:39:49 (distance 75,5 km average 45,4 km/h !!) 
2. HAJEK Alexander Austria  @ s/t
3. LÜHRS Luis-Joe Germany @ s/t
45. RAFFERTY Darren Ireland + 0:03
50. SHINE David Ireland  @ s/t
59. GILSENAN Adam Ireland @ s/t
62. GALLAGHER Conor @s/t
66. O’ CONNOR Ronan Ireland @ s/t
80. MURPHY Ben Ireland 1:40:49 + 1:00 

The podium girls are waiting for you, Darren!! …keep it lit Team Ireland
Note: Today’s stage reached a 45.4 km average with U/16 gears..incredible speed
Radjugendtour Oststeiermark General Classification after stage 4 (Etappe 3)
1. HAJEK Alexander Austria 5:06:17
2. SEGAERT Alec Cycling Vlaanderen + 0:16
3. RAFFERTY Darren Ireland + 0:23
4. VERSTAPPEN Dries Cycling Vlaanderen + 0:25
5. GROß Matteo Germany + 0:33
30. SHINE David Ireland + 4:37
43. GALLAGHER Conor Ireland + 8:07
44. O’ CONNOR Ronan Ireland + 8:10
50. GILSENAN Adam Ireland + 11:28
66. MURPHY Ben Ireland + 20:06

Full results courtesy of