Sunday 10th November: “The Shimna Cross” Donard Park Newcastle Co-Down 10 am

entry online:
All other info:
This will be our featured race on Sunday with the usual commentary & tunes and photo’s
Sunday 10th November: “Cross of Kells” Race 2 at Drewstown House, Kells Co-Meath 10 am

All other info as part of the Leinster CX league:
Sunday 10th November: Connaught CX An Spideal, Galway 10.30 am

Coláiste Chonnacht, An Spidéal 10/11/2019.
Rasaí faoi aois ag 10.30am (underage -14 / -16 / Jnr)
Rasaí sinsear ag 11.30am (A&B race)
MTB’s allowed in underage and B race.
Info: Galway Bay Cycling Club
Monday 11th November: The First-ever INDOOR CX in Ireland, E-Trax, Moira Antrim 7 pm

Entry online:
The Belgian Project Media Team is covering this event as a media partner providing the commentary and photos