If Dave Watson from Bangor County Down would had more time to concentrate on his cycling, he probably would have trebled his wins, holding a job as a construction engineer and mostly have to travel abroad to work, is not easy to combine with a sport that is so demanding. It is more a case of training while you have some spare time, just like many others with a young family and a full-time job to look after. A man of the Ras, classic winner, stage racing winner and I could go on and on. A well-spoken gentleman married to Kathryn and daddy of Thomas and Bella. Dave is also a great man for raising money for charity, especially for Down Syndrome (His son Thomas is one of the special children) and the local Children’s Heartbeat Trust from Belfast, something I have in common with Dave. With his current team Bike House from Bangor, they have raised thousands for these causes and this sums up what person he is…A well-liked man, but feared in the Irish and Ulsters pelotons. We had a chat with him 4 years ago, this just after his classic win in Ballymena when he was still an NDCC rider, the other cycling club in Bangor