Early February we got the sad news of the passing of Morris Foster MBE, a cycling legend from Antrim who inspired so many of us, and very proud I have known him in person, even have sit on the same table during a CU award evening with the legend, and we met many times at the races in the past. His racing past intrigued me, his passion, and his advice and help to young aspiring talent so valuable. His cycling achievements have been enormous, our beloved sport survived here because of men like Morris. For my readers abroad who maybe didn’t know the name, MORRIS Foster was the first Irishman and only the fourth rider ever to cycle 100 miles in under four hours in this country! ‘Big Mo’ represented Ireland at the 1970 Olympics in Mexico and competed in the World Championships in Belgium and Holland and two Commonwealth Games, carrying the flag in 1970 in Edinburgh

On the evening of Mo’s passing, I got a phone call from Paul Kane, who asked me if I would accept the proceeds of a collection (in lieu of flowers) at Mo’s funeral. The Foster family had got in touch with Paul to ask him advice about who they could support in cycling in memory of Morris. Paul suggested the project and so grateful to him for such a kind gesture. Morris’s good friend Lenny Kirk (ex-international cyclist) also put in a good word for us, as he knew that Mo had been aware of the project. Even it was a sad occasion, and somehow feel a bit guilty to accept a donation in such circumstances, but as it will make a difference to some youngsters next year, after a phone-call with Mo’s nephew Hudson the next day I accepted this kind offer and somehow keeping the spirit of Morris alive. Thanks so much to the family Foster and their friends, so proud of this