It is official now…Ronan Mc Laughlin is now the record holder of the Everesting Challenge, bettering the already astonishing time of Alberto Contador, Ronan’s second try (first one saw him getting 5th on the world table) catapult him to the first in the world!! (All photos were taken from the “Donegal Ultra 555 challenge” social media page with thanks)

With a different section of the climb and downhill, Ronan shortened his overall distance with 35km to 123km but had to conquer a 14% average uphill to do so. It meant 7 hours and 4 minutes of pure pain to reach the 8848 meters hight required of the Everest and used the Mamore Gap in Donegal as a location for the second time. Unbelievable but very much true!! The ex continental pro and bakers son beats the time of a 7 times UCI grand tour winner with 23 minutes!!! Would it not be lovely to manage to get Alberto over and use the same route…but hey, he will have to be in the form of his life to beats such time set by our man from Muff!! Well done Ronan…hopefully see you at the Donegal Atlantic Way Ultra 555 km Race or before at some race…my respect and admiration (Ps…some different time was announced yesterday but I go with the one below of the organisers of the challenge “Hell 500 Australia” who ratified the time here below)