Foreword Dany B: Due to reduced support, which we normally receive from the PSNI in the north, cycle racing becomes more vulnerable, and with the eye on the safety of the riders and cavalcade, something had to be done to ensure we can improve such safety to fill the void and to safeguard the future of our open races. Cycling Ireland in conjunction with Cycling Ulster and the police have put their hands together to design an ” Accredited Marshal Scheme” delivered to the Ulster clubs in different venues, which have been well attended on each occasion so far and full classes in the next weeks…A big challenge is ahead now to get the general public to know the new laws when they approach a cycling event…An accredited marshal with a law approved stop sign (notice the red circle) has the power to stop and hold up the traffic when a race approach, ignoring this sign is now a “road-offence” and authorised by the government (law approved this week in Stormont) The course educated us how to deal with potential conflict whom can occur, fail to stop or fail to wait of drivers, and to explain the consequences of ignoring the marshal…I always have been a big supporter of safety…during my working life as a Safety Officer for the Union, and as commissaire a few years ago…and when this course was held in my hometown and organised by my club Ards CC, I flew at the chance to enroll and it was very educational indeed, anything towards the safety of our riders is welcome news… also thank you to our visitors from North Down CC for supporting the course with their attendance…the more the better…for more dates and full info go to http://www.cyclingulster.com/marshal-scheme-update/…

Accredited Marshal Scheme Update
Cycling Ulster in conjunction with Cycling Ireland is encouraging clubs and members to avail themselves of upcoming Accredited Marshal Scheme courses.
The scheme that was announced last month has been developed to enhance the safety of our road races in the short term and to prepare the sport for when future legislation is introduced which will make it a requirement to have accredited marshals at our events.
Cycling Ireland is delivering the course to members for free with participants having to pay for their certificate and clubs will also have to pay for safety signs to be used by the marshals. Cycling Ulster is currently working to partner with a local signage company to reduce the costs of the signs with further information on this for clubs to follow ..Click https://eventmaster.ie/event/zz4xTPYSQJ to register for the course.
For further information please contact garry.nugent@cyclingireland.ie

Stage 1: Introductory presentation – this is a presentation sent to anyone who is interested in completing the course and will be emailed out a few weeks prior to stage 2 so that they can assess whether or not they would like to complete the full course. This section is designed to introduce participants to the role of an Accredited Marshal and the legislation that supports the role. It will provide participants with a clear understanding of what is covered in the program and the requirements of the role. If the person wishes to continue onto stage 2 they should inform their club or Cycling Ireland to be booked onto the next available course.

Stage 2: Classroom style training – this section will include further detail on road traffic legislation, risk assessment, and health & safety will be provided. Classroom learning will include assessment before being considered competent for the role. Include theoretical and practical information on the use of radios, deploying to stop traffic safely, and how to respond to various scenarios, including conflict from drivers or an accident /incident. All participants will be required to take a written knowledge check and a practical

Stage 3: This part of the process is designed to ensure continuous development and retention of the skills as an Accredited Road Marshal. Participants will be required to complete two reflective logs annually showing evidence of practical deployments, continuous learning, and competence in the role.