Feature photo Dany (PB Media) & The results courtesy of Martin Grimley (Off-road commission and chief comm. at the Champs)

The 2022 XC-MTB Irish Championships in Bellurgan Park Co-Louth on Sunday the 24th July…I was honoured to be invited by the organiser Bryan mc Crystal (ex-pro footballer, Iron Man, prolific road racer, and so much more) and his Bellurgan Wheelers team to look after the MC job, and for once only 75 minutes away from my home, after all that driving last week, the distance yesterday peanuts so to speak…for once the right glasses on to take the pictures, and not bad results (only a few I had to edit) Weather was Irish, showers, sun, and showers again…the course a demanding one, but worthy a championship to be held in …Ulster took most of the medals, but the other provinces had also something to say, they came as far as Cork, Kerry, Donegal, a great race village was organised, plenty of volunteers to help out, and a very family orientated feel about it…thanks Bryan and Bellurgan Wheelers for the donation towards my project, it fuels my brand new car (well at least to me) for the coming weeks
Bryan Mc Crystal told social media ” Just a few words to sign off on this year’s National mountain bike championships. First, thanks to Bellurgan Park and Eddie Toner for the use of the grounds to host the Cycling Ireland National Mountain Biking Championships. An incredible location that provided a stunning race venue. Also to Robbie Duffy. He was the main man behind the event and there would be no course or race without him. Massive massive thank you! There was a great community feel towards the event and all MTB enthusiasts came to the fore and offered their help in anticipation of the championships in the weeks and days leading up to the event. Lots of friends offered help and stood at a corner or section, Paul McAviney led the Cuchulainn Club who helped out in great numbers and this added to the event, as did members from other clubs!. Thank you We’re also very fortunate to have Martin Grimley who continues to give us the highest standard of officiating. This can only lead to a higher standard of performance for all ages and categories. I want to also thank Lorna Reilly and Caroline Martinez who kept us all on our toes all weekend. Also to Dany Blondeel kept us entertained
. Big thanks also to our main sponsor Wheelworx Bike & Tri Shop . How lucky are we to have so many photographers willing to share their photos. I can’t tag them all as I will forget someone but I really appreciate your input on the race and all other races. Lastly and arguably the most important, to you the competitor! You rocked !! Well done,” regards, Bryan McCrystal