All reports from Tim, and photos courtesy of and Mick Searle, with thanks to both

This is the story of how, by accident, Rijden was born from my zeal for Flemish style cycle racing, who we are and what we care about, Tim Costello (Founder, and a lover of Belgian beer, classic one-day races, cyclocross and singing in the shower) “I’ve ridden kermesses and cyclocross races across Flanders visited bars, breweries and even watched the odd football match. I love the tranquility of the Flemish countryside, the architectural beauty of medieval towns and Belgian beer. Recovering from an accident, I was given some low-cost tee-shirts to wear as I lounged about the house. How could something so cheap be produced in a sustainable and ethical way? I was inspired to create something different and determined to earn respect for our fair treatment of people and the environment. I set myself the goal that it had to 1. Be unique, positive and entertaining. 2. Reflect my passion for cobbles, classics and cyclocross. 3. Be fair and environmentally sustainable. 4. Be articulate and informed but not geeky or elitist“
Tim continues: “By the late 1980s, all my favourite magazines such as International Cycle Sport had ceased publication. Then along came the internet. Initially, it was an anarchic world full of enthusiasts. Inevitably, commercial interests took over and websites focused on the popular news. Much of the content that is now available focuses on World Tour teams, the stars of the sport and product reviews. With team press officers controlling the news stories, much of the content is a bland copy of what has already been published elsewhere. I longed for interesting, unique, ‘off-piste’ articles rather than more of the same“
Here some stories I picked…you just feel the passion
Cycling is not just flat out intervals and racing. There needs to be time to relax and discover new experiences.Drop into the inner ring and join us on an exploration of tastes, places to visit and cycle at a more leisure >>>> stroll and click stroll and click
A bio of my cycling passion by Tim Costello: