TC-Racing Ladies Team

Tom Clogher and his girls all well know in our Irish Cycling world..he travels all corners of the land to get his young teenagers racing, this on fields (CX) and on the road…he even brings them to international races such as Belgium, Holland and Britain to develop their skills! He put a lot of money and time all years around to achieve his goals. His company ” ” as main sponsor helps financialy but always look out for some added sponsors…give him a call if you also want to help.
Tom told social media: “Many thanks to Dany and The Belgian Project for supporting the team, it’s much appreciated by all the girls, parents and myself. This year we have a full race programme here in Ireland and also a number of races in Belgium, Netherlands, Wales also Scotland and while in Scotland the team will to see the World Championships and hopefully mingle with the pros 😎. Our race programme is designed around giving our junior riders as much race experience as possible. Receiving support from Dany and our other sponsors make all this happen for the girls and it’s greatly appreciated” Follow TC-Racing on Will Design StudioSpin11- Custom ProWear For You-The Belgian Project-Sportsphoto Ireland – Joe Curran Commercials Ltd.-The Bike Station Ltd-Giro Bike Helmet-Crokes Pub Tramore-OE Bikes – Mullingar
Sliabh Luchra CC
This club is amazing, you just feel the passion when you meet them, they travel with their youth to so many events…some 5-6 hours away from their base in Knocknagree near Mallow in Co-Cork…the kids so well behaved and having fun come first..they are only 10 years as a registered club in operation, but to me it looks like they done this much longer…so well done, and when given the news about the award, their appreciation was mind blowing… well done to this great Munster club…so deserved!! see report of the club below>>>
Sliabh Luachra told social media “🏆 CLUB AWARDED🎗️
Little did we know when we headed off on in the bus on Friday evening with fierce excitement to the Bellurgan Wheelers CX NATIONALS 2023 that we would be met with a great surprise.
👏 THE 1ST BURSARY (Travel Award) of 2023.
It was a great honor when Dany Blondeel from The Belgian Project presented Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club members on Saturday evening with the award. Our young club members were electric with excitement. It’s a tremendous award for us, we THANK THEM SO MUCH & APPRECIATE the recognition. 🙏. Yes we travel the length & breath of the country with our rising stars, because they love it, we love it. CX has been phenomenal this year & we are looking forward to doing it all over again next year. Thanks to all the clubs who hosted events throughout the year.
Knocknagree Fairfield – Tidy Towns Knocknagree – Community Development Group Rathmore – G.A.A Rathmore – Community Council
Square Wheels CC
Only 12 years as a club they have done some starling work since!! Organising the CX National Champs in 2022 as highlight, part of the Ulster CX League for the last years, their youth participating in all Youth Events road and off-road, this with sometimes over 20 of them…they are now probably the biggest club in Armagh and very well liked where ever they show up…it is like a family , and it was an easy decision to pick them as award winners..they deserve this accolade and funding…some of their kids already showing great promise, and most of them on podiums each week…well done to my friends of Armagh.. Have a look at for more info of this great club from the Orchard County