All info translated from Sporza and VTR media Belgium

World champion Mathieu van der Poel immediately hit the mark in his first cross of the season, but it wasn’t perfect yet. That is the opinion of the connoisseur and father Adrie van der Poel.
The world champion finished a few seconds ahead of European champion Eli Iserbyt. “He had the cross under control”, says father and former world champion Adrie van der Poel. “On the hard surface, I thought he was already riding well technically, in the sand not. That was downright bad and he will confirm that himself. “It will soon look very different”, thinks Adrie van der Poel. “You have to do cyclocross. You can hardly imitate that.” “Look at Tom Pidcock. After two weeks of cross-country racing, he puts in his best performance. And you will see that with Wout (van Aert, ed.) And Mathieu.”
The big game will therefore soon come again, father Van der Poel suspects. Already in Namur next weekend? “That is where the strongest emerge,” he knows. “On the citadel, they are presented with a selective and very beautiful course. Just look at the honors list, it is full of very good riders.”
Top 10: 1 Mathieu van der Poel 58’10”
2 Eli Iserbyt @ 6″
3 Thomas Pidcock @27″
4 Toon Aerts @30″
5 Lars van der Haar @43″
6 Laurens Sweeck @51″
7 Quinten Hermans @1’00”
8 Michael Vanthourenhout @1’09”
9 Corné van Kessel @1’22”
10 Daan Soete @1’26”

3 round of the  X²O-trofee  at the Scheldeprijs won by Denise Betsema (NL)

Denise Betsema (Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal) has won her 2nd cross of the season. Lucinda Brand, who had won the last 4 crosses, finished 2nd in the Scheldecross and is the new leader in the X²O trophy. Sanne Cant finished 4th. World champion Ceylin Alvarado dropped out of the leading group due to iron wire in her wheel. Top 10: 1 Denise Betsema 42’18
2 Lucinda Brand op 4″
3 Annemarie Worst 27″
4 Sanne Cant 43″
5 Manon Bakker 48″
6 Anna Kay 49″
7 Yara Kastelijn 53″
8 Fem van Empel 1’08”
9 Laura Verdonschot 1’31’
10 Aniek Van Alphen 1’49” GEOGHEGAN MICHELLE (IRL) WAS 54TH