Event and Traffic notice for Saturday and Sunday, March 12&13th 9 am to 3 pm
The Ras Maigheo youths 2- day cycle race will be held over 2 days at Ballinrobe Racecourse.
There are over 150 participants racing from every corner of the country.
On Saturday expect delays from 12noon and on Sunday from 8 am at the venue.
The racecourse will be closed to all walkers over the weekend. Expect to see a huge number of kids on their bikes with their parents around the Racecourse, Castlebar road, and around the town of Ballinrobe, some may commute out of town via the N84, please beware and slow down as you pass these children.
Spectators are welcome to come and watch as these young stars of the future whet their teeth in road race competitions.
It is a great opportunity to see cycle racing close up, bring the family, and make a day out of it.
World Enduro/MTB Champion Killian Callaghan who has an exciting stunts show to perform for the crowd will be on show, Sunday from 11 am. Some minor traffic delays may be expected. Organisers are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Latest news from the Newry club: The weather looks grand (dry) for this weekend so if sitting on the fence about whether to enter best do it soon.
3 spaces left in the A3 race and 5 in A4, when they’re gone they are gone.
Lady’s race in particular numbers is on the rise. This will be a ladies separate race whatever the numbers. Only one in Ireland this Sunday.
You can enter this (ladies) with a limited competition license. The perfect course to start racing. Online entry only: https://eventmaster.ie/event/QW5vcnKSOy

St Patrick Races on Thursday 17th March in Kilbride, GAA grounds Kilbride, Wicklow promoted by the Starsky CC

All Races Start 1 Hour Earlier!!!!
St-Patricks Day Race / Starsky CC…We need to make some adjustments to the route for St Patrick’s day, after investigating the route, construction started on some parts of the route. We really apologize for the inconvenience, but we need to make the best decisions for your safety. The new route can be found here:https://www.strava.com/routes/2933814625415904882
A4 – 10:00am 5 laps (60km)
Woman – 10:10am 5 laps (60km)
A+ A1 – 12:30pm 8 laps (100km)
A2 – 12:40pm 8 laps (100km)
Junior, A3 – 12:50pm 6 laps (75km)
The Belgian Project will be there as Master of Ceremonies with commentary and tunes…please try to support this race…we need clubs like Starsky CC to keep organising such events, Dany B
Tickets can be found:
Saturday 19th March…The Derrymacash GP, Good Year social club Lurgan 11am start and promoted by Clann Eireann CC

2022 National Road Series Rd 1 – Des Hanlon Memorial, Carlow, Sunday 20th March 2022 and promoted by Carlow CC and Cycling Ireland