Foreword Dany B: “I know Shea for about 8 years now, I was introduced by Marc Heaney (ex international cyclists and ex-protigee of the project) to this young man from Maghera, and also knew his dad Ali who was one of the top riders in Ireland and specialised in TT’s. An accident stopped the career of his dad for a few years, but back on the bike and already winning a bronze in the Ulster 25 TT Championship a few weeks ago!! Shea raced as well but his studies took over, and now his full-time job as the Shoe Dr gives him little time to train and race. A very talented artist and graphic designer who took the gamble of leaving his daytime job to work for himself…and the gamble paid off big-time…the orders from all over the world and the “word of mouth” done the rest…Luka MezgecĀ (Bike-exchange world tour team and TDF competitor) was one of the stars who recognised Shea’s work and ordered a special bespoke edition of his racing shoes…many will follow…big global companies such as Kentucky Fried Chicken put a massive order of training shoes in, which Shea designed to perfection….Shea repairs cosmetically sport shoes, redesigns the shoe paintwork, or uses a new plain shoe and work his art on them, anything is possible as you will see in the photos below…When Shea finds time he will design a Belgian Project cycling shoe (well and will be raffled to raise some funds for my bursary fund…I really look forward to that, it will be an eye-catching shoe for sure!! Good luck for the future my friend and thanks for helping me out” You can get in touch with Shea by e-mail at or a private message on

(Photo courtesy of @getty images)