There is only one place to make your point heard if you want a changeThe Annual AGM gives us this opportunity and I always try to be there if possible, this to represent my club Ards CC and my beloved project. Before the motions been voted in or rejected some board members needed to be voted in, an easy task this time as the president of CI Ciaran Mc Kenna was unopposed and voted in, Anthony Mitchell resigned from the board, he was thanked for his input and work towards an improved High-Performance system with some welcomed changes. The transparency has been tackled and hopefully, the board will act in a positive way. Communication another problem, but this is now in hand with a new communication officer and we should soon see the improvement. Carl Fullerton (Donegal) was voted in as one of the directors and was also not opposed…I am glad to see Carl on-board. The full results of the motions will be published on the CI website in the near future. There was a special EGM after normal proceedings, this to make some changes to the constitution, most proposals for change was rejected by the members, the proposals would have given the board more powers and were heavily questioned and rejected in the end…the proceedings closed around 5.30 pm and the award night waiting…here some photo’s I took during the day and night…

Catching up at the gossip
The place start filling up…Martin Grimley representing the off-road…good news for the CX as the motion for later start date (October) of the CX events was withdrawn!
A Sundrive Welcome
CI Director Ronan Mc Laughlin promoting the road scene and future plans
Downey Family heading the Banbridge CC joined by Matthew Teggart, James Curry and girlfriend, his dad Simon and Caroline Kerley who makes sure people have a smile on their face at all times…proud to call them good friends
A new look of the CI office staff
Jack Watson MBE with the “Competitive event of the year” winners of Foyle CC representatives Chris McElhinney and Ronan Mc Laughlin
When Irish eyes are smiling….our future female stars already making headway
Nuair a bhíonn súile na hÉireann miongháire …. ár réaltaí ban sa todhchaí ag déanamh ceannródaíochta
Dressed for the occasion..some of our best junior here on show, and oh yes…the woman in black is there
Another upcoming young man Sean Lenehan with his proud parents
Irish language-lovers united …CU stalwart Tommy Lamb getting some tips from a fluent speaker as Clodagh ní ghallchóir
Aonturasóirí Gaeilge aontaithe … Tá Tommy Lamb, a bhí i gceannas ar CU, ag fáil roinnt leideanna ó chainteoir líofa mar Clodagh ní ghallchóir
No… it is not the front of the local girl’s brigade..(lol)…it is the beautiful entrance of the Gardens of the City West Hotel Dublin